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Precisa Laboratory Prime

Designed, temperature compensated and inspected in Switzerland, the Precisa Laboratory Prime analytical balance seriesus built to withstand the rigors of tough industrial and laboratory conditions. These versatile machines deliver results simply and effeciently. With a basic five button keypad the balance can be operated with little to no training and an SCS (Self Calibration System) ensures that the balance remains calibrated and accurate everyday.
Shop Scales Outlet for the best deals on Precisa Laboratory Prime Analytical Balances. Our team of experts provide free technical support and application assistance. Need help finding the right balance? Contact us today!
Calibration: The Precisa XB series features an SCS self calibrating system that allows the balance to remain accurate even after drastic shifts in temperature.
Communication: Each balance includes and RS-232 interface for communicating with printers or PCs.
Protection: An admin passcode can be input into the scale to prevent tampering with the settings and an anti theft ring can be added to the scale to prevent stealing.
Construction: The balance is constructed out of durable die-cast aluminum and features a vivid vacuum fluorescent display.
GLP/GMP: Each Laboratory Prime balance conforms to GLP and GMP standards for printing and data storage.

Country of Origin: Made in Switzerland
Units: g, mg, GN, dwt, oz t, oz, ct, C.M., tLH, tLM, tLT, mo, t, Bht
Languages: English, French, German
Weighing Modes:
• General weighing
• Parts counting
• Percentage weighing
• Dynamic weighing
• Density determination