MSI Tension Link Load Cells

Scales Outlet is proud to offer our selection of Dyna-Link 2 series of tension dynamometers from MSI! These products are engineered to be are light, portable, and designed to interface with a variety of accessories and options. The body of these products is constructed from anodized finished aluminum and it's gaskets are sealed featuring NEMA 4/IP65 rated protection. Adding to the versatility is the fact that minimal power output is required to operate the these MSI tension link load cells - and with battery life rated to last as long as up to 300 hours, you can expect long periods of time-in-service between charges. Fully functional remote operation is also made possible through an optional remote display. These dynamometers also feature a large 6-digit, 1 inch LCD display to make long range viewing of the display easy and clear.
Scales Outlet is the best place to buy MSI tension link load cells! Did you know our team of experts provide free product support and application assistance? So if you need help finding the right product for your business or facility's needs, contact our team of trained technicians today!