MidAmerica Scale

Since 1998, Mid America Scale, Inc. has been known as the nation’s premier truck scale manufacturer, specializing in the TS Series Electronic Low-Profile Steel Deck, which is known nationwide for its durability and innovative design.
TS Series truck scales offer a modular design that provides flexible options for heavy-capacity weighing. They are ideal for installation between silos, beneath hoppers, next to buildings, in areas with underground obstructions or high-water tables. All truck scales from MidAmerica come standard with features that promote strength, durability and longevity.
For your high-capacity truck scale needs, look no further than Scales Plus for the expertise and value you've come to expect. Make Scales Plus your source for heavy-capacity weighing.
Truck Scale Features
• Designed with 10" flange I-beams running longitudinally with spacing directly under the truck tire path to increase longevity, strength and durability
• Heavy-duty diamond checkered steel safety floor plate
• Top access cover plates to all load cells, J-boxes, bolts, and side bump brackets for easy installation and maintenance
• Utilizes end bumper bolts to eliminate damaging shock typically found in designs that require check rods. This speeds up installation and allows for easier scale adjustment
• Double parallel weld-less end links and self-compensating swing link suspension with adjustable stand allow the deck to be self-centering, increasing accuracy and repeatability
• Modular design allows for easy future expansion and relocation
• Low-profile design; 14" overall height with 3.5" washout clearance
• All wiring is protected by 1" plastic conduit and fiberglass J-boxes which helps prevent damage from rodents and moisture. Load cell cable has steel braided covering.
• Summing boards have individual adjustment pots for each section and position. Gaseous diodes are standard on all boards to provide electrical overload protection. Ground rod kit is provided.
• Highly accurate 60,000 lb. class IIIL double-ended shear beam load cells with 150% overload rating
• All furfaces are sandblasted to white metal, sprayed with a rust inhibitive primer and finished with an acrylic enamel coat.