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Take a Tour of the Brand-New Scales Plus Headquarters!

Take a Tour of the Brand-New Scales Plus Headquarters!

Posted by Greg J on Apr 16th 2021

A few months ago, we wrote a post letting you know that we would soon be moving into a new, expanded facility. Well, now that the dust has settled and—for the most part—everything is unpacked and in its proper place, we figured it was finally time to (digitally) open the doors and let you peek into our stunning new 21,000 square foot space.

Take our hand and come along on this exciting tour of our shiny new headquarters!

First stop: The front desk (naturally)

If you ever do stop in for a visit—and we would love it if you did—this is the precise place where our receptionist would greet you with a smile and ask how we could help you.

Perhaps you’d be lucky enough to run into Jon Mosher, our fearless leader and CEO. If you did, he would probably have this to say about our new facility:

"It's been a welcome change. The space has worked perfectly thus far, both from an operational and employee perspective. Our new facility has allowed us the opportunity to increase stock levels, streamline logistics, provide additional value-added services, and has created an environment that our employees enjoy. We take pride in our employee-first methodology and we've been able to create a place that our team enjoys working at."

Jon Mosher, CEO

Stop #2: The pit

As we head around the front desk and down the hall, we soon reach the place where all the magic happens. And by “magic,” we of course mean sales, customer service, and accounting. Some real abracadabra stuff here, folks.

What began as a small staff of three quickly expanded as we added elements such as calibration and repair services to our growing list of offerings. These new services required more personnel and room to maneuver, so we went from comfortably staffing a handful of team members to bursting at the seams in a very short period of time.

With every valued team member we added, the old space got a little bit smaller. We were able to get by for a while, creatively rearranging the office to accommodate each new person, but we could only do that for so long.

When it came time to make a decision about the future of Scales Plus and its sister companies, it became clear that the space we were in was preventing the future growth of the business. We knew we had to move on to bigger and better places.

Stop #3: The break room

Believe it or not, our tireless and dedicated staff are in fact still human. When not calibrating scales and filling orders, you can usually find them here. Our break room has become a popular spot for heating up leftovers and chatting about the latest episode of “The Boys” around the water cooler (pictured below).

Stop #4: Shipping and receiving

You can think of this area as the Grand Central Station of the Scales Plus facility. Every scale and part—big or small—will at some point travel through this area before going on its merry way.

Stop #5: The Warehouse

One of the biggest advantages so far has been the vast amount of warehouse space we now have at our disposal. This will allow us to increase our catalog size and keep a much larger inventory on hand. Now we also have the means to provide faster order fulfillment and offer a pricing structure that far exceeds that of our competitors!

Stop #6: The Service Center

In addition to shipping and receiving and inventory storage, our warehouse is home to our certified service technicians. Now that they have spacious, dedicated workstations for performing calibrations, repairs, certifications, and diagnostics, the Scales Plus technicians are able to work much faster and more efficiently.

Stop #7: The conference room

This new space has also had a significantly positive effect on employee morale. Since day one, Scales Plus has had an employee-first, work-hard-play-hard philosophy. Our large conference room is the perfect example of this philosophy in action. Offering the perfect mix of business and pleasure, this uniquely cohesive space is frequently inhabited from sun-up to sun-down. Whether more time gets spent strategizing or serving ping pong balls, we won’t say.

Final stop: The game hall

Speaking of unwinding after a hard day’s work, the final stop on our tour is fittingly the game hall. The best part of moving to our new facility is that all of this extra space has allowed the team to work more collaboratively and efficiently. That means we have more time at the end of the day for the occasional game of bag toss, darts, or pool.

"It's really cool to be able to just take a break here and there for a quick game against the bosses! It makes the days and the atmosphere here at Scales Plus so much more enjoyable!"

Tyler Hessel, Sales Manager

We’re now more ready than ever to serve you

The team at Scales Plus is super excited about the new building, and we're just getting started. We can't wait to show you what we have in store for the new space in the coming months!

If you’re ever in the area of West-Central Michigan, we encourage you to stop in and say hi. Our new address is:

4850 Allen Park Drive, Suite 1

Allendale, MI 49401

In the meantime, please check out our wide selection of high-quality scales, balances, and more. If you have any questions, you can reach us on the live chat, by phone at 616-622-2100, or by sending an email to We are always happy to help!

Why Scales Plus?

expert repair services
competitive pricing
knowledgeable staff
90 day return policy

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